Part 2 of 2 Dumbs/Tunnels

3 years ago

The Truth As We The People See It by Kerri Scheetz
Part 2 of 2 Dumbs/Tunnels

There’s no quantifying the bravery of our Military
They go into D.U.M.B.s 6+ miles deep with courageous Multi-Purpose canines—the strongest & gutsiest of dogs
They burn out the Kuru disease that could kill them (Kuru comes from cannibalism)
They avoid lasers that could evaporate them
They become disorientated at that depth
They get into firefights with whatever demons are in the tunnels
They confront evil, filth, depravity & horror unimaginable
They rescue the children, trafficked women, seize the gold, documents, Art, etc.
Then blow up the tunnels
After all are healed with Med Beds a Godsend tech for these angelic souls

God bless every Soldier X ∞

Nicholas Veniamen & Lucy Davis (Intuitive)
*I always try giving credit where it’s due. I also like sharing their messages, directly from their mouths so that I do not misinterpret their messages. I encourage all to do your own research & come to your own conclusions. Do Not just take my word for it. I share this information with you as it has been represented to me. It is my hope that what they/I are sharing are facts, if they are not I apologize in advance. I can be contacted at I am only human & it’s possible I made mistakes. Hang in there with me! God Bless You All, K

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