Bad Posture Makes Your Belly Stick Out

3 years ago

No matter what your size or weight, if you have bad posture, it will cause your belly to stick out more than it should. This video explains why that is.

Maybe you've lost weight and are frustrated that your belly won't seem to go away. Maybe you have no plans on losing weight, but you don't want your belly sticking out any more than it needs to. Maybe you don't have a belly, but you wish your abdomen looked better. If any of these are the case for you, what you need is a change in your posture, because bad posture is causing most people in modern civilization to distort their torso and stick their belly out. It's not always very noticeable when you're young, but as you age it will catch up with you. But no matter your age is, it's a problem that can be dealt with by addressing the root cause.

Initial Alexander Technique lessons are done over Zoom. They are designed to cultivate your ability to apply your rational mind to how you move. For more information about lessons you can visit my website or go straight to the creator of iAT, Jeando Masoero.

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"The use of bandages or corsets is to be condemned as treatment in protruding abdomen instead of the adoption of practical means to remove the cause. ... The respiratory mechanism should be re-educated, for this would mean a re-education or strengthening of the supports Nature has supplied. In other words, the sinking above and below the clavicles and the undue hollowing of the lumbar spine—the great factors in the direct causation of the protrusion of the abdomen—are removed, and a normal condition of the abdominal muscles established. This means a very decided improvement in the figure and general health."

F.M. Alexander

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