Timelines in Our Minds in 432Hz (upcoming Angel Numbers Album)

3 years ago

A Story of a World in need of Manifesting for the FIRST TIME a TIMELINE that is good for ALL ...NOT for just the Rich/Elite that have used Ancient Magik on their Realm for millions of years...to place them in a state of forgetfulness... to be under control by Witches & Wizards... held behind a ancient Giant Wall..where the TREES hold our ancient truths and no one seems to know how to speak with them... except ONE... .and watched over by the "Watchers" forever... THIS is the Faerie Realm of the QUMANS beings in AMIREKA.... where WE LIVE.... OUR WORLD.... AWAKEN...Watch for "World Ascension Tour in 432Hz on Amazon Prime, Tubi and Vimeo..

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