How To Withstand Adversity | Lance Wallnau

3 years ago

This will be one of the strangest Bible studies I’ve ever done. It’s the story of our journey in America 2020-2024. Make sure you have your Bible ready!

Specifically we’re going to look at Acts 27, and the Apostle Paul, who was told by Jesus. “You must appear before Caesar in Rome.” Paul had a word regarding his future and it involved the government of his day. The devil went to work to sink that future by influencing the ship Paul was a passenger on. He gave them a prophetic word and they decided to overrule it by a vote among the elites in charge of the ship.

Paul continued praying till God overturned their disastrous choice and rerouted Paul to an expanded territory in Malta. The ship captain lost his cargo and vessel as God reworked His sovereign plan to get Paul to his governmental appointment in Rome.

Tell me this doesn’t sound like our journey on the ship of state in our post election chaos.

“Take heart” Paul told them, after an Angel instructed him that those he was sailing with were to now to become those sailing with him!

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