LSC Key 5 Awakening Your Inner Oracle and Intuitive Fire

3 years ago

Key 5 Awakening Your Inner Oracle and Intuitive Fire
(Sacred Keys Acceleration System By Lightstar)

In this exciting key, you will be discovering seven steps towards embracing and progressing into clear alignment of your intuitive and psychic gifts, and clearing your Inner Oracle of past negative karmas. This key is for both women and men who feel suppressed in their intuition and extra sensory perceptive abilities. Lightstar will teach you about the various disruptions and pitfalls that can frequently occur as you move forward towards the acceptance of your “Oracleness,” no matter if you are male or female in this incarnation. The gift of the Oracle resides in all of us, and we have all experienced challenges and/or have suppressed these innate gifts in some form or another along our journey. Empower yourself with the realizations and insights of facing past truths to pave the pathway to forgiveness, responsibility, alignment, and acceptance. Lightstar will also assess your specific life path to see if you have the marking of the "Master Oracle."

Learn more about the Sacred Keys Acceleration System:

Background Music: "Galaxies" by Stellardrone (CC BY)
Lightstar Creations

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