LSC Key 3 Accessing Your Enlightened Spirit Council

3 years ago

Key 3 Accessing Your Enlightened Spirit Council
(Sacred Keys Acceleration System By Lightstar)

In this inspirational key, Lightstar will be empowering you to communicate with your own Council of Higher Guidance from the group of Spiritual Guides, Galactic Beings, Angels, Ascended Masters, Elementals, or Faeries that surround and embrace your specific energetic field. You will learn ways to raise your frequency so that communication with these special beings of light can occur. She will also explain the various dimensions in which these beings reside, and how they can best assist with your spiritual progression. You’ll discovery a variety of ways to increase your abilities to hear, feel, see, and know their guidance in your life, and how to identify their specific energy signatures. Lightstar will receive and share the name(s) of one or more of your Spiritual Guides, Angels, Galactic Friends, Ascended Masters, Elementals, or Faerie Kind, so you can begin connecting directly to their frequencies for guidance and assistance.

Learn more about the Sacred Keys Acceleration System:

Background Music: "Galaxies" by Stellardrone (CC BY)
Lightstar Creations

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