LSC Key 10 Exploring Multidimensional Aspects and Soul Braids

3 years ago

Key 10 Exploring Multidimensional Aspects and Soul Braids
(Sacred Keys Acceleration System By Lightstar)

In this exploratory key, Lightstar will be explaining the concept of discovering your multidimensional aspects, which primarily originate from your Angelic, Galactic, and Elemental roots. When the internal alarm clock rings for the Soul's Light Codes within the DNA to awaken, this causes a ripple effect which include a myriad of life changes, dimensional memory recall, and various states of consciousness shifts; all which can be extremely confusing to the human self. This awakening process encourages specific soul aspects to emerge from within the soul with a voracious urge for expression. When this transpires a chain reaction of internal changes is initiated. So, in this key, Lightstar will be helping you to identify the signs of these surfacing multidimensional soul aspects, which is "key" to a smooth spiritual integration. We will then uncover the concept of "Soul Braids." You will learn what Soul Braiding means, and why it's important for souls to be aware of this reality. You'll learn how to identify when soul aspects are ripe for the process of Soul Braiding, and how to become unified and blended without causing excess confusion, fragmentation, or scattered energies. Lightstar will teach you about the positive benefits of successful integration of multidimensional aspects and Soul Braiding.

Learn more about the Sacred Keys Acceleration System:

Background Music: "Galaxies" by Stellardrone (CC BY)
Lightstar Creations

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