Let's Roll With God

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Even with the darkness of evil all around us, we do not experience the despair of it. How is this so? This is how God rolls! Yet in the darkness, there is our faith in our God, Who can redeem any situation, regenerate the light of hope when it has flamed out and bring a transformation to our circumstance that not even we could have even imagined possible. We wait for God in hope and when He breaks through this present darkness, Oh YES, the outcome will be more than what we ever could imagine or hope for. Yes, MORE than we hoped for, this is how our Way-Maker God rolls. AWE-GOD! We Praise You! Even with the constant streaming of the bad news of lawlessness winning and justice being stomped out, evil being in our face, we still hope in our God. Our focus is on our future in God’s Kingdom. In times such as these, we detach our heart strings from this world, so the culture of the world can no longer tug on them. Transplanting our heart strings in God’s Kingdom, we anchor our lives to God first, to His way, to His Truth and His love, this is where the strength we need to patiently endure is found. I pray for us heart to heart that we strengthen our vital-vertical relationship with Jesus. Keep our relationship with Him personal and stay in close followship of Him. Roll with God! Listen up for God’s voice and be about HIS business in this world, this is the best way to wait for our future and hope. Dig Deeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/i-look-up/

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