3 April 2021 Dada Mokshesvarananda - “Six steps on how to overcome obstacles and fear”

3 years ago

Online Conference 3 April 2021
Part 2 Day 1
12pm CEST

Fear is the most debilitating emotion in the human psyche when not controlled. Most of our mental complexes stem from it. Overcoming fear and obstacles in general results in better self-esteem, success and internal peace. Learning to train ourselves to use specific techniques for that is the aim of this workshop. Once we become familiar with your own fears, many things are possible. We then become aware of deep entrenched beliefs that inhibit ourselves and society to grow.

Dada is a yoga monk working in South America He was the director of AMURT NGO in Haiti before and after the earthquake managing rural development projects and educational facilities. Now in Nicaragua he is developing an ecological center to facilitate youth adventure camps, rites of passage to adulthood and youth empowerment programs.
In his workshop today he will be presenting what he is teaching to people, meaning how to overcome irrational fears, developing courage instead and team-spirit. Fear is one of the main underlying problem to mental disease and various complexes but it can be controlled, managed and redirected to serve us rather than to restrict our lives and ha’rm ourselves or others. Learning to overcome fear and obstacles in general, results in better self-esteem, success and internal peace.

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