Speak Up Now For Kids Abused Because of Biden’s Border Crisis

3 years ago

It’s time to #SpeakUpNow if you care about the kids at our border. We have more kids in detention centers today since Biden became President than at any point in history since we began tracking the numbers. Border patrol tells us tragic stories of scared children who’ve been sexually assaulted, exploited and tortured along the way. The cartels have new life under Biden’s lax enforcement. Trafficking and smuggling are at epidemic levels and getting worse ever since Biden ended President Trump’s remain in Mexico policy. Even the Mexican President and the President of El Salvador have criticized the mass migration that’s happening because Biden, Kamala and the Democrats have incentivized it with promises of free everything. This must stop. The border needs more funding for the wall, more cooperation with nations south of the border, the use of trade as leverage to get countries to act against the cartels, cartels must be named by the DOJ and Biden as the terrorist orgs they are and they must be treated as such. This pipeline or human beings exploited for sex and labor needs to stop. Their own countries are weakened by every wave of migration. Just this week men from the terrorist watchlist were apprehended. Think of all the people on the terror watchlist who got in without us knowing. Our officers at the border need more resources, more patrols and more support. If you care about these kids you’ll #SpeakUpNow and demand @joebiden act to protect our border so that no more children take this dangerous journey. We must cooperate with foreign nations to return these children safely and not allow them to fall into the hands of traffickers.

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