Doctor Uses Infrared Sauna to Heal a Scar. Skin Cells Regenerated Themselves

3 years ago

In this spontaneous Relax Sauna testimonial:
Does infrared heal scar tissue?
Shelly, a doctor of natural medicine has a miracle healing of scar tissue after using the sauna for 12 days. An old scar completely goes away after using the Relax far infrared sauna.
She feels refreshed after 20 minutes per day in her sauna that she’s had for one year.
The Relax sauna has also helped her detox from pesticide exposure.

“I was very thrilled. I had a healing miracle. On my hand, I had a scar here and I'm slightly scarred for 25 years. I hit my hand on a pressboard. And it was very unsightly with layers of scar tissue and it was bright pink and I was always a little bit embarrassed by it. And after taking your sauna for just 12 days, it completely disappeared and new skin grew over that area. And the cells regenerated themselves and I had a perfect healing. So it was a miracle of healing. So I just want to thank you, Phil, for the sauna. It's been truly changing my life and I was so happy to experience a healing miracle. So thank you for that.”

Phil commented that the Relax far infrared sauna is known for getting rid of scar tissue.

“I have a perfect testimony that it is very healing from the inside out. And it's helping the cells, at every level to regenerate more healthy cells and get rid of cells that don't belong in your body.

I use it every day, 20 minutes in the morning. And I find it perfect for my body. I do sweat after about the first seven or eight minutes. And I take minerals to help that. I'm more refreshed. I feel better. I notice that it's healing me on many different levels from some chemicals I was exposed to in childhood. I lived by a field where they were spraying pesticides and things as a young child. So I think even at that level, it's helping my detoxification process. So I feel more energetic and I feel more clean inside. My cells feel like my immune system has recovered since actually since using the sauna.

Every once in a while I do miss a day. I feel definitely better on the days I use it. Much better. I want to go in every day.”

Phil Wilson has been speaking about the healing and spiritualizing benefits of Far-Infrared Energy for 10 years. Books such as "Detoxify or Die," and "No Sweat, KNOW Sweat!" laud the health benefits of Far-infrared Saunas.

65 years of research show how its specific frequency band (far-infrared) of Light resonates with and vibrates our water cells, increasing micro-circulation and core temperature, activating the immune system and the metabolic functioning of our bodies, hence detoxifying and purifying body and mind, reducing pain, inflammation, helping Lyme, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, diabetes, arthritis and more.

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Learn about the health benefits of far infrared energy.

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