One Billion Deaths In 2025?

3 years ago

Despite all the evidence as to the caution that should be taken with the experimental vaccines, greedy corporations are throwing caution to the wind for the sake of profits. The animal trials with these vaccines were catastrophic. The manufacturers know this but still they roll it out en masse.

Today we are faced with a challenge humanity has never experienced. We face this because criminals in government and business weren't investigated for their crimes.

All politicians from established parties need to be removed. All corporations in PPP deals need those deals made public. Any corporation threatening government should be dissolved and thoroughly investigated.

If not now; when? 3-5 years may well and truly be too late.

Last year was their turn at causing us pain. This year it's our turn to respond.

Find a group of like minded people and light a fire under your politicians.

They work for us.

Our new platform - (spread the word - it's great)

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