Lions prey on reindeer meat 2021

3 years ago

The lion's habitat in the grasslands. This animal is classified as natural, in a day 20 hours lying on rocks or under shady trees. Each group consists of 1-6 males, 4-15 females. The territory of one group is between 20–400 km2. If the food runs out, the lioness for a full day looking for food while expanding the territory. The male lion's job is to protect the female from the male lions of other groups and to guard the territory. When capturing the territory of another group, the male who seizes another group will kill the cubs that are in the captured group. The male lion's running speed is 58 km/hour.

They eat meat, usually prey on large mammals weighing about 50–500 kg. Apart from that, lions also prey on small mammals such as birds, reptiles and insects. Lions usually hunt at night, but in the long grass that can cover the body, they can hunt during the day. Usually, the lioness who hunts and the results of the game are monopolized by the male lion.

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