Bird 🕊️ Care - Removing String and thread wrapped around foot of bird - Help Bird

3 years ago

Bird 🕊️ Care - Removing String and thread wrapped around foot of bird

Have you ever seen a birds that has missing toes, a foot or even a missing leg? The chances are that the digits and/or foot were lost from string being wrapped around them.

I can't think of anything more horrible than that happening to a bird. Imagine tying a rubber band around your finger as tightly as you can. You know what kind of pain there will be. You can take off the rubber band. The Birds cannot take off the string. They can't walk up to anyone and ask for help. They suffer great pain and it can take over a year before the pain goes away along with the toe(s) or foot or leg.

String as thin as nylon thread to wrapping string is all discarded on the ground. Birds walking on that ground will get it wrapped around their feet. The string curls and twirls around a toe or more digits and knots form. They begin to tighten and start to cut into the skin. When the string cuts though all the skin and muscle and tendons, it begins to tighten around the bone.

A dry type of gangrene forms. The toe begins to die from lack of circulation. Lack of circulation can affect the toes and they begin to curl into a permanent contorted position. Eventually, the toe falls off or if the string is wrapped around the leg, that falls off. If anything falls off prematurely, the bird will bleed to death. Throughout this process, the bird is limping in pain and trying to compete for food with birds that can get to the source a lot faster. String can wrap around and tie both legs together so if you see a bird lying down on the ground and eating, that could very well be the cause.

We request all people to properly dispose their garbage like Plastic, dental floss, string, thread and help wild life.


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