Dr. Mercola - COVID VACCINE IS EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY with Judy Mitzovich. High Level Info

3 years ago

Dr. Mercola at Mercola.com speaks with Renowned doctor and researcher Dr. Judy Mitzovich who was featured in the original PLANDEMIC 1 video. She is a VERY knowledgeable and highly intelligent researchers and scientist who really gets DEEP Into the SCIENCE behind this vaccine and the Covid sham as well.

Covid19 is an experimental Gene Therapy with only Emergency use. Untested on Humans before. Messenger RNA so called Covid Vaccine bypassed animal testing because last time they tried it on animals they died. Now Humans are the experiment and people are dieing and many deaths will be called Covid deaths to cover up the Genocide. The News Media are lying to you and complicit in murder on a global scale.

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