Video Podcast - Three Corporations in Georgia make a Monumental Fuss over Georgia’s new Voting Law

3 years ago

by: Brent Smith

Major League Baseball has decided that Georgia is now just too racist to hold both it’s All Star Game and MLB draft in Atlanta.

And the heads of Coca Cola and Delta airlines, both based in Atlanta, have issued strong statements over the racism of this law.

And why you ask? Because Georgia has the nerve to ask for a photo I.D. when casting a mail-in ballot. Oh the horror!

Yet what all three of the major corporation heads neglected to tell the cameras that were filming their heartfelt condemnations, is that in order to gain employment at any of them, guess what you must have. That’s right – a photo I.D.

Ironic ain’t it.

And finally, I pose a question to any and all, but you’ll to watch to discover what it is!

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