Amazing machine the XpetPee Oriental rug cleaning

3 years ago

Amazing machine the XpetPee Oriental rug cleaning-By PetPeePee company.

The XpetPee machine is the ultimate Oriental rug cleaning process that can clean the Oriental from the dirt and soil and permanently remove the dog or the cats' urine odor.

The XpetPee machine eliminates the need to use this scrubber or the carpet cleaner equipment and chemicals.

All-natural, the XpetPee machine cleans the Oriental rug using the natural odor-free cleaning product from the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea cleaner is new in the market developed by Meir Martin, the PetPeePee company owner.

Meir Martin says, "the Dead Sea cleaner behaving a mysterious way like nature."

The Dead Sea benefit will never deposit unpleasant smells or residue such as soap detergent or enzyme.

The XpetPee machine extracts all the cleaner through the Oriental rug. It means washing the entire rug from top to bottom through the fiber, pulling all the urine crystal and the dirt from deep inside the foundation of the antique Oriental carpet.

PetPeePee is a nationwide service using UPS or FedEx for pickup and delivery.

PetPeePee guarantees in writing 100% urine odor removal from Oriental rug drapery, Persian carpet, and antique Oriental.

PetPeePee a cleaning process that's makes sense.

#xpetpee #orientalrugmachine #cleaningwoolcarpet
Visit My Nature artwork
561.221.2815 Office
Text Pictures -954.594.2564
PetPeePee address: 1442 Southwest 12 Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069

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