Media and its Effect on the Physiology of the Human Response Network

3 years ago

Ever listen to a music clip and you almost immediately feel like dancing? Ever watch a commercial and feel like they're talking specifically to you, like it was MADE FOR YOU?

We're being marketed to every single day. The way I tried to craft these questions is an example. I'm trying to get you to listen. Why? Because for too long, I didn't pay much attention to the messages being engraved into my mind. Now I pay attention because I want to be careful of the messages coming through in videos, or music clips I see and hear--especially the innocent ones. Why? Because who knows the kinds of messages their trying to shove into our minds. Remember the last superbowl half time? I swear they were trying to subliminally pass along some very interesting messages. Remember that hideous video of the two women pretending to have sex on the bed big enough to be a small studio?

There were movies and songs I explicitly told my kids not to watch, but there's so much out there filtering in, and it's getting worst by the day.

Dr. Bernard Luskin, CEO Luskin International studies the impact of media on the physiology of the brain. Cool, but we must be aware of what people do with this information. Marketers and bad actors with very ill intentions use their understanding of psychology to make unsuspecting people engage in behaviors they want.

This is why we need to keep our minds strong, trust that the Kingdom of God in is us, believe in Him and in ourselves, and remind ourselves of our purpose, of the real things that make us happy and fulfill our lives.

Remember the people and things most important to you and tune out the rest of the white noise. Believe in your best days with the same kind of psychology.

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