weight lose

3 years ago

The plan is designed to help you lose weight at a safe rate of 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lb) each week by sticking to a daily calorie allowance.

For most men, this means sticking to a calorie limit of no more than 1,900kcal a day, and 1,400kcal for most women.

If you find it hard sticking to the calorie limit, use our BMI calculator to get your own personal weight loss calorie allowance.

If you go over your limit one day, do not worry: it simply means you'll have to reduce your calorie intake on the following days.

For example, if you're a woman and you have 1,700kcal on Tuesday, that's 300kcal more than your daily calorie allowance of 1,400kcal.

To stay on track, you'd need to cut out an extra 300kcal from your remaining calorie intake over the rest of the week.

To lose weight, the average person should reduce their daily calorie intake by 600kcal.'
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