The Power of an Endless Life

3 years ago

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Every year there is a build up to what is called the "Holy Week." It begins with Palm Sunday and then Good Friday, ending with Easter Sunday. It is the one week out of the whole month that Christians give thought about Jesus more than at any other time. However, the sad truth is it is grossly religiously marketed. Vacations and parties are planned. When Sunday comes around multitudes stampede into churches, then off to other activities. When the following Monday comes, all is forgotten until next year.

I quote Charles H. Spurgeon: "There is no ordinance in Scripture of any one Lord’s-day in the year being set apart to commemorate the rising of Christ from the dead, for this reason, that every Lord’s-day is the memorial of our Lord’s resurrection. Wake up any Lord’s-day you please, whether in the depth of winter, or in the warmth of summer, and you may sing,

“To day he rose and left the dead, And Satan’s empire fell; To day the saints his triumph spread, And all his wonders tell. When he arose ascending high, He showed our feet the way; Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly At the great rising day.”

To set apart an Easter Sunday for special memory of the resurrection is a human device, for which there is no Scriptural command, but to make every Lord’s-day an Easter Sunday is due to him who rose early on the first day of the week."

The way to heaven is not just a destination it is a way. And in this way is the power of Jesus resurrection into heaven, where we are seated in heavenly places with Him. Our lives are not just about looking at death, but of life. Life now in Christ, and everlasting life that will never end. For are risen with Christ, rather let us sing unto the Lord a new song, and praise him with our whole soul all the days of our lives.

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