Switzerland National Anthem (1848-1961; Instrumental) Rufst du, Mein Vaterland

3 years ago

"Rufst du, mein Vaterland" ("When You Call, My Country"; French: "Ô monts indépendants"; Italian: "Ci chiami o patria", Romansh: "E clomas, tger paeis"), is the former national anthem of Switzerland. It had the status of de facto national anthem from the formation of Switzerland as a federal state in the 1840s, until 1961, when it was replaced by the Swiss Psalm.

The text was written in 1811 by Bernese philosophy professor Johann Rudolf Wyss, as a "War song for Swiss artillerymen". It is set to the tune of the British royal anthem "God Save the King".

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Do you call, my Fatherland?
See us with heart and hand
All devoted to you!
Hail to you, Helvetia!
You still have sons,
Like St. Jacob saw them,
Joyfully hasten to the battle.

Old Swiss National Anthem / Alte Schweizer Nationalhymne / Ancien Hymne National Suisse / Vecchio Inno Svizzero / Nationalhymne der Schweiz / Himno Nacional de Suiza / Hino Suíço / Zwitsers Volkslied / Гимн Швейцарии / Inno Nazionale della Svizzera / Hymn Szwajcarii / Himno Suizo / Hino Nacional da Suíça / Himna Švicarske / Himna Švajcarske / Volkslied van Zwitserland / Švýcarská Hymna / İsviçre Milli Marşı / Svájc Himnusza / Imnul Elveției / スイス国歌 / النشيد السويسري

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