The Great Witch of Coven-Tree is Dead April 2, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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The Great Witch of Coven-Tree is Dead April 2, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Most people on Earth will have no idea what this means—- but suffice it to say, an evil force that has been key to the enslavement and misery we have all suffered, is no more.

Two down, one to go.

I was visited tonight and attacked in my home by minions of the dead; they were howling and cursing and hurling the coldness of death at me, threatening me, threatening my home, threatening my family.

They were talking about how they would bind me in Hell for what I’ve done; the Harpies were wailing and clattering and clacking their empty jaws together— to no avail.

I stood up and said, “You may try to bind me in Hell, but I shall bind you in Heaven!”

A great golden light fell upon them like the blade of a knife and there was silence. Blessed silence. All the din and ugliness was gone, as if it had never been.

They had no choice but to depart. They knew it. I knew it. Their war has come and gone and they leave here empty handed.

As we walk through the Valley of the Shadow this Good Friday, fear no evil. The True God is with you. Lift up your faces to the sky.

On this day we will smell death passing by. We will feel death close to us and many will be afraid. The mold of the graveyards will rise up and fill our senses.

Deaths of former times may visit you. Cold things, dead things, sad memories, illnesses, failures, lies, wars, greed, betrayal, ghosts of all the lost dreams, the vanished loves, the wasted potentials will visit you this day.

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