Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 31 March 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 31 March 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Illogical Claims on Abandonment and Crimes Against Humanity
For the last several days we have presented information to The International Court of Justice concerning the criminal negligence and misadministration of federal subcontractors on our soil by Treaty Principals including the Holy See and the Pope, the Queen, Westminster, and the Lord Mayor of London.
It is well-known and celebrated throughout the world that our government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Such a government cannot simply disappear. It may not be in Session, but it is entirely and always present in the form of the people who populate it and give it form.
As we have seen, our foreign federal subcontractors created instrumentalities in the form of Municipal parent corporations in the business of providing essential governmental services; from there these same interests usurped upon their employers and have been running two separate de facto governments, one Municipal, one Territorial, on our soil since 1860, and have been acting in collusion against their employers since 1937.
The clear purpose of these omissions as well as these actions has been to evade the constitutional obligations that the Principals owe the American States and People by introducing an unauthorized and unaccountable Third Party to provide the services under contract created by both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.
The service contracts are specific and enumerated, but over the course of time, both the Principals and their incorporated instrumentalities have been emboldened and now propose that they can enslave people and serve them at the same time, as well as plead innocence for the actions of Third Party sub-subcontractors who were never entrusted with any role whatsoever by the American States and People.
An example of this is the proliferation of so-called Federal Agencies under the aegis of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration. These agencies work as adjuncts hired by our federal subcontractors, who assigned duties to these Third Parties and enabled them to promulgate Administrative Codes and enforce these regulatory codes against members of the General Public. Thus we have the specter of unelected, unaccountable, unauthorized subcontractors of subcontractors creating and enforcing "administrative law" on our civilian populace.
Precisely when did any American agree to this, as a condition of employment or for any other reason?

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