Episode 33- Agendas & Messages

3 years ago

In this special video edition of the OIC Podcast, we speak about three vital topics in the world today, political agendas, scripted messages, and authentic messages. Political agendas, scripted messages, and authentic messages can all include subliminal and super-liminal influences. That is why this podcast is important! When you have more authentic control and awareness of influences in your life, you are then able to turn on your power button, as well as turn off the power of any malevolent message that may be trying to influence you in a negative way!

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George Washington's Quote on political parties!

French/German superliminal music’s effect on wine sales:

Wings by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/micCVSc4KG0

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