The Real Happiness

3 years ago

Romans 4:7-8 The Passion Translation (TPT)

7 Here’s what David says:

What happy fulfillment is ahead for those[a]
whose rebellion has been forgiven
and whose sins are covered by blood.[b]
What happy progress comes to them
when they hear the Lord speak over them,
“I will never hold your sins against you!”[c]

a: Romans 4:7 See Ps. 32:1. The Hebrew word for “blessed” or “happy” is asher, which carries the meaning of “a happy progress.” See also v. 8.
b: Romans 4:7 When David wrote this Psalm, it was during the days of covering sin by the blood of sacrifice. Today our sins are no longer simply covered, but removed forever.

c: Romans 4:8 The Greek uses the word logizomai, which means to take an inventory and settle accounts. God has taken inventory of the virtue of Christ, and through our faith in him, his perfect righteousness is now deposited in our account. It is settled; we are declared righteous by faith.

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