Newsletter signup! As the new advisor to the Swedish government, I solved international issues too

3 years ago

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A damn bird shit on the dog's face today! We were walking down the pavement, and suddenly "splat" in the dog's face, and she started to wipe her face. I looked up and saw this bird that was very proud of its aiming skills, and didn't mind posing for the camera in all angles for minutes. Unfortunate I didn't have a good zoom. (See the Swedish video thumbnail:

The English version is not great:

I called Tanzania's president Suluhu and asked her if she is continuing to beat vaxxed people to death with a stick, but worryingly she said that they aren't doing that. But she said, maybe they will start on Sunday when Magufuli returns. He needed some time off, but after listening to some Swedish vlogger with a big breath, Jesus spoke to him, and suggested a double resurrection event. The deal is that Magufuli has to die on the cross every year, because even if Jesus signed up for that and will continue to do it, he is as pissed as Jesus can be at that he has to be nailed to a cross two times per year as the Orthodox and Western churches can't agree on a date.

I also talked to Ursula von der Leyen, and I gave her some medical and financial advice. I told her send out ivermectin, vitamin D, K2, zinc, quercetin and EGCG to vulnerable people instead of vaccinating them, and she said that she had no idea how important this was, and right away called all the governments and said that they should implement this or their chances of well paid jobs will be lower. Nice lady!

She had a problem with Spain's government though, so I called there and said that masks were stupid, and that they should end all lockdowns, stop tormenting children with masks and start up the country again. They refused, but I told them to speak to Florida's vice governor Jeannette Núñez, and when they heard the argument in Spanish they quickly realized that they were complete idiots, and changed their minds:
"The Spanish government has passed a controversial law that makes face masks mandatory in all outdoor settings, including beaches and in nature where previously masks weren’t always obligatory."

Then I called Klaus Schwab, great guy with a wonderful accent, and he was only 6 when he built his first gas chamber to protect the Jews from parasites. So I asked him to do an interview on Israel to really make them push his Jewish friend's company Pfizer's vaccine on the Israeli children. "Do de Geuish tschildren först!" he said, so that the Arabs will not think that the gas [sic: I think he meant "jab"] is for killing them or something. 99% of's traffic now comes from Israel for some reason.
Israel doing Nazi experiments on their children:

I tried to contact The White House, but there was just someone barking answering the phone, and when I tried to get my bitch to translate, she got too made to explain what the fight was about, but someone shit in the White House floor, which is another sign on Biden's dementia.

But I got a source that said Andrew Cuomo is now suing Matt Gaetz for discovery. Cuomo was told to not disturb Hunter Biden, so instead he is now suing Gaetz for all the documents he has on how to pick up women without being a total creep. Good that Cuomo is still trying!

I then called BoJo and told him to do the same, because of course he is a very smart leader who don't trust diet advice from obese doctors. Who would do such a thing? That is like taking financial advice from a beggar. You could listen to a particular thing like if a beggar in 2008 told you that his co-worker had stopped begging and is now buying his 7th house with loans only and is treated as a king at the bank, but the beggar's system for personal finance apparently doesn't work.

Why Your Doctor’s Advice is WRONG about Weight Loss
The fat protects obese people from the crap they eating. If they starve the fat away, their immune system will work even worse. Historically famines lead to epidemics, so it is clear that being thin is not a protection.

The Big Short (2015)

By the way, my not 100% fake April the 1st fiancée celebrated our 5th anniversary today! We're still working on that meeting each other part, but so far, the wedding isn't called off.

Mug, sticker and other stuff:
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