State Legislatures Are Fighting Governors Over Emergency Powers-You Weighing In? Nick Murray-MPI

3 years ago

Despite the post-Covid reopening of a few high profile states like Texas and Florida, most of the 300 million Americans locked down in 42 states last year have not returned to normal. State legislatures are fighting as we speak their governors over the extent of the latter's emergency powers that clearly are not immune to politicization.

Understanding special interest influence over these emergency powers, Nick Murray - Policy Analyst at the Maine Policy Institute published earlier this year a scorecard of every state’s emergency declaration process. Using these findings, Nick will examine current reform efforts to determine which states are likely to strike a more constitutionally appropriate balance, and which will continue to allow their chief executive single-handed emergency rule - perhaps FOREVER.

Voters can use this emergency scorecard to weigh in on these legislative struggles. And given the continued exploitation by powerful interests over-politicized pandemic warnings and risky countermeasures, it could become a matter of survival for our republic if we don't get more active.

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