April Fools (don’t be one) poem by Patriotic Poet

3 years ago

April Fools (don’t be one)

If as a human, you are what you eat,
then why would you ever consume printed meat?

If they come and take away your gun,
where will you hide, where will you run?

If machines are doing all of your voting,
why then are all the politicians gloating?

If masks are supposed to keep us healthy,
why is big pharma getting so wealthy?

If no jab is going into your arm,
will you avoid the death and the harm?

If media never propagate lies,
truthers are punished whenever one tries?

If jobs don’t come back and all disappear,
can we survive on panic and fear?

If you no longer can just go out for a ride,
who makes the call, who will decide?

If you no longer can go for a stroll,
how long ‘til isolation takes its toll?

If cancel culture wins and we are all erased,
nothing again will be logically based?

If they put a lock on every door,
shouldn’t this wake you to your very core?

If credit scores become the new social norm,
will you then starve ‘cause you won’t conform?

If Klaus the dictator gets his way,
surely there will be all hell to pay?

If God is erased, heaven help us all,
satan steps in to answer the call?

Patriotic Poet

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