Day 89: Special Guest - From Prostitute to Evangelist

3 years ago

A powerful story of a broken life made whole by the power of the love and acceptance of God.

The caricatures of Christianity and christians that you see presented on the news or on popular tv shows, don’t look like the followers of Jesus that Ben and I know. Our spiritual brothers and sisters are the former drug addicts, and prostitutes, the former criminals and broken-hearted ones. The former abusers and the former abused. And these lovely, re-born spirits, are out on the streets, and in the churches, and in your workplaces and schools, in your hospitals, and prisons, and homeless shelters, sharing the redemptive and healing love of God with our world – they are being the Church in their worlds. Today’s guest Brittany Benedict-Biecheler, RN, is one of these beautiful souls, whom Jesus sought out and rescued from her broken heart. Here she is in her own words:

“That moment...that one interaction altered my life. That feeling of not being good enough, not being worthy, not being loveable, shifted my 14 year old brain. People often ask how I got into stripping, drugs and prostitution. The answer is simple...I didn’t have the love of parents that I so desperately longed for, so I looked for it in all the wrong places. Mind you…what the devil meant to destroy me, God uses for His glory. I’m healed and whole now, because I know who my Father is and that makes me able to have grace with my earthly father. When Jesus pulled me out of the quicksand of sin and showed me what Love was...I no longer sought love and worth from a person. That is why my heart breaks when I see unloved children. That is why those kids that the world sees as a lost cause, I see with different eyes. I understand them because I was them.”

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