Reverse Speech - George Bush - New World Order

3 years ago

Original Upload Date: Oct 14, 2008

A reversed speech analysis of the New World Order speech
given by President George H. Bush on January 16, 1991.

We have before us the opportunity
to forge for ourselves and for future generations
A new world order
A world where the rule of law
Not the law of the jungle
Governs the conduct of nations
When we are successful
And we will be
We have a real chance of this new world order
An order in which a credible united nations
Can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision
Of the U.N.'s founders

show but do not identify itself of value.
Showing us his weakness his lowest road
It ought , ought to win that
All below the werewolf
I watched it all the time
And if they knock its your life
Success is our uno
It will bill me
Heard on Wednesday is it Ashley where are you?
Change my number, There is nobody here doing it
She is miss the mark before, before our secret doesn't meant it
And thats no evil

Forward + Reverse

We have before us the opportunity
show but do not identify itself of value.

to forge for ourselves and for future generations
Showing us his weakness his lowest road

A new world order
It ought , ought to win that

A world where the rule of law
All below the werewolf

Not the law of the jungle
I watched it all the time

Governs the conduct of nations
And if they knock its your life

When we are successful
Success is our uno

And we will be
It will bill me

We have a real chance of this new world order
Heard on Wednesday is it Ashley where are you?

An order in which a credible united nations
Change my number, There is nobody here doing it

Can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision
She is miss the mark before, before our secret doesn't meant it

Of the U.N.'s founders
And thats no evil

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