Ivermectin Intake Dosage

3 years ago

Recommended Doses of IVERMECTIN (15mg capsule) in the Treatment of CovID-19 for Adults

Noteworthy Facts:

1. The use of IVERMECTIN in the treatment of COviD-19 is basically empirical — and based on the overwhelmingly successful experiences by numerous doctors in the treatment of their COVID-19 patients in many countries around the world. It is also observed that populations in many countries in West Africa who are taking IVERMECTIN for their parasitic infections and infestations are to a certain degree protected from the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Fifty four (54) studies including randomized clinical trials in the use of IVERMECTIN for the treatment of COVID-19 are being done with very promising results. IVERMECTIN was initially studied and tested in vitro for SARS CoV-2 and was found to reduce viral load by 5,000 fold in 48 hours. Notwithstanding, IVERMECTIN in past researches have been found to be effective in inactivating numerous viruses such as: Dengue 14, Zika, Yellow Fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis, Chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian Influenza A, and Human Immuno-deficiency Virus Type-4 among others.

3. IVERMECTIN is an FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug in the US as well as in the Philippines. Repurposing its use for the treatment of COVID-19 does not alter its safety profile and is proper as a matter of contingency considering that the dosage is the same. Modification is inherent upon the rightful judgment of the physician as they see fit according to individual needs of their patients. Just like any other approved drugs, IVERMECTIN also exhibits certain side effects and drug interactions, although these are very rare. But just like any other drugs, overdosing can be dangerous. This drug however is categorized as ‘very safe’ when taken according to recommended dosages.

4. IVERMECTIN does not exhibit any ‘untoward effect on any of the conditions of Metabolic Syndrome such as insulin resistance and hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, fatty liver disease, hyperuricemia, cardiovascular disease, cerebro-vascular disease, and cancer. Recent studies have established its safety during pregnancy. It must however be taken with precaution by pregnant and lactating women.

5. IVERMECTIN being a prescription drug requires the prescription and guidance of a physician. I am prescribing this drug as a contingent measure in the fight against COVID-19. For my patients, please address your concern directly to me.

6. Combating COVID-19 rests primarily on a good immune system. IVERMECTIN is only an adjunct to treatment. Patients are recommended to take also the following:

a. High-dose oral Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate) 3,000 mg. to 10,000 mg. in
divided dosages depending on the symptoms of the patient.
b. Zinc Sulphate 20 mg once a day.

7. Patients who have advanced in COVID-19 will require high doses of intravenous Vitamin C, intravenous MgSO4 EDTA and DMSO in addition to IVERMECTIN and other supportive measures. Severe conditions necessitate hospitalization.

- Allan A. Landrito, M.D.


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