All Babies Lives Matter!!!

3 years ago

"Michigan Must Tell Johnson & Johnson Coved 19 Vaccine Recipients That It Was Developed From A Stem Cell Line Originating From Aborted Human Fetuses (feti), According To A State Law Passed By Republicans." - Reported in The Guardian on Yahoo News. - What other states are clueless about this & has this been the drug company's dirty little secret, why they stopped making practical drugs decades ago. Making us all reliant on China & other countries for all their unregulated non-biopharmaceutical drugs, while they secretly were developing more expensive Bio-engineered ones at America's & it's peoples expense? Totally reliant on Planned Parenthood backed by the Democrats to maintain the drug company's R&D into this decades old Bio-tech, with little to no results for that costly investment until recently with these coved vaccines. That coincidentally are fueled by using body parts to enhance the bio-tech industry & their profits, to god only knows what ends & how much we the people will end up paying that long term negative health related price? Just as they were first starting to talk about a possible vaccine, while we were also facing a shortage of more reliable preventive alternatives like Chloroquine & combo steroidal inhalers. Like Mometasone Furoate/Formoterol Dihydrate & even Fluticasone Propionate/Salmeterol inhalers. Also the later FDA approved Albuterol Sulfate inhaler but the FDA neglected to approve Albuterol Sulfate in it's liquid form, that's used in Nebulizers in more extreme cases of loss of breath that proved very effective. All of the above proved very effective in fighting off the beginning stages of coved, aiding in the building of the our own "Magic Elixir of Natural Heard Immunity". Taken along with daily regimen's of Vitamin C, D, Zink, Magnesium & Potassium that also proved very effective. That once achieved makes the immune system able to better fight off in the early stages, plus all the new strains of coved as they will mutate being from the original strain. The dirty little secret they don't want you to know so your reliant on them, for countless new future vaccines that they will undoubtedly develop & manufacture for profit at who's expense? What unknown health complications will result form fast tracking any new drug down the road? That once discovered could very well be permanently irreversible, doing damage to not just our overall health but possibly even compromising our much needed invaluable immune systems. I don't know about you but I'm not ready yet to play "Russian Roulette" with my immune system, my last line of any type of infectious disease defense. I was offered the new one-shot J&J vaccine a few weeks ago, at my primary doctors office but refused it outright for oblivious reasons. After of course explaining why I thought it was a bad idea & my doctor agreed, that if I was not comfortable based on the facts I presented, that I should wait until a time when & if it was needed. Now I'm not preaching to anyone what is right or wrong for them & this is just my humble opinion not being a doctor, based on the facts I collected after much research going back over a year. I would only suggest that you do your own research before doing anything & before there's no time to research anything. Blindly trusting in anything you get from the main-stream-media that it's aggressively promoting, has to make one pause to think why exactly is that & who exactly it benefits!!! PERIOD!!! - IhuntU: 3/31/21.

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