Happy Easter Class!

3 years ago


Bergamot is cultivated primarily in the southern coast of Italy and has been used in the Middle East for hundreds of years as a flavoring, perfume, and addition to moisturizers and cosmetics.
Lavender-Soothe minor skin irritations by adding Lavender to your daily face wash. The aromatherapy will leave you feeling fresh and fit for a perfect day! 5. Cherubic complexion. Embrace the years as they go by and support your aging skin by adding Lavender essential oil to your moisturizer.
Cool Azul® Sports Gel is formulated with a full 10 percent of pure essential oils in every 3.4-ounce tube. Along with hydrating the skin, our sports gel boasts a topically cooling blend of Peppermint, Plectranthus Oregano, and Dorado Azul essential oils with menthol and camphor to help relieve sore muscles.
The Eucalyptus Radiata tree comes from Australia, where eucalyptus makes up more than 75 percent of the continent's vegetation. Eucalyptus Radiata contains the naturally occurring constituent eucalyptol, which provides much of its signature scent. Product Information Page Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil- 15 ml Item No. 3538 EUCALYPTUS RADIATA

Celery Seed Vitality offers a flavor profile that is commonly described as earthy and grassy. It can add a unique depth of taste to coleslaw and salad dressings and can also be used for seasoning poultry.

Suggested Uses Add Lemon Vitality to a tall glass of cold water for a fresh, antioxidant-infused drink to start your day.* Add 1-2 drops to a vegetarian gel capsule and take it daily to support a healthy immune and circulatory system.* Blend a drop in Gary's True Gritâ„¢ Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix ...

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