Another Window on Zoom!

3 years ago

The kids have been home for exactly one year now, and we definitely feel it’s time for them to go back to school full-time (A few hours a week aren’t sufficient and the explanations we are given aren’t either).
So instead of wasting words we decided to produce this clip! Please share! Share! Share!! Maybe the decision-makers will sing along...

Another Window on Zoom
A satire based on “The Wall” by Pink Floyd
Created and produced by Ifat Orgad
Lyrics: Ifat Orgad and Guy Horowitz
Music Production: Gil Friedman and Itay Taragano
Guitars, Keyboards and samples: Gil Friedman
Mix and Mastering: Itay Taragano
Filming and Video Editing: Yeela Taragano
Associate producer: Avital Fighel
Recording Engineers: Hugo Wainzinger, Itay Taragano and Avital Fighel.
Recorded @ Heartstrings Music Studios in Mountain View, CA by Hugo Wainzinger, and @ Mentush Studio in Sunnyvale, CA by Avital Fighel and Itay Taragano.
Participating (by first name):

Avital Fighel, David Brutman, Debbie Tran, Deepti Patnaik, Gil Friedman, Ifat Orgad, Itamar Orgad, Nicole Hartvig David, Orly Mulla, Tal Goldstein,
Valentin Ryabov, Vikram Saxena

Carmel Kafri, Ethan Rosner, Geva Mulla, Gili Fighel, Lia David, Liron Esplin, Ori Fighel, Roni Orgad, Sasha Ryabov, Tom Azriel, Yonatan Brutman, Yuval Weissberg

Special thanks to: Noa Friedman, Tessa Parish, Guy Horowitz Liat Zisman and Avital Fighel for all their help!

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