What is Bad Posture? (And why does it matter?)

3 years ago

Your posture matters. Posture is one of the most misunderstood things in the world, which partially explains why nearly everyone living in modern civilization has bad posture. This video is the beginning of an explanation of what exactly bad posture is, what causes it, and why it matters.

Initial Alexander Technique lessons are done over Zoom. They are designed to cultivate your ability to apply your rational mind to how you move. For more information about lessons you can visit my website or go straight to the creator of iAT, Jeando Masoero.

My website: https://www.thegreatdupe.com/

Masoero's website: https://www.initial-alexandertechnique.org

You can contact Masoero to set up lessons at: jeandomasoero.iat@gmail.com

You can contact me at: DelsarteAlexanderMasoeroYou@protonmail.com

"I propose a great, a worthy subject for your study. ... I offer you a work superior even to those sciences which have been described to you; superior to all which the genius of a Michaelangelo or a Raphael could conceive; a work in comparison with which all the magnificences of science and art must pale. I propose that you should contemplate yourselves! Nothing is so unfamiliar to man as himself."

François Delsarte

Special thanks to LJ for help with image editing.

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