2017-11-07 □ Come out of MYSTERY BABYLON - Rev 17, Ezk 16, Part 1

3 years ago

World that Then Was https://youtu.be/0c01g_no7DI - VIDEO: World that then Was ◇ House of David Pt8 Dec 2, 2014
Wisdom vs Harlot Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: Wisdom vs Harlot
Harlots Army https://youtu.be/FYOXAMrfZSk - VIDEO: Locusts 5th Trumpet - Harlots Army Feb 3, 2017
Book of Ezekiel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… - PLAYLIST: Wisdom vs Harlot
C: Brother Leeland,Thank you for  your service in our Messiah. I am so blessed to have found your teachings. I believe that the teaching of truth is lost by many fellowships and churches. They sugar coat and justify their sins. In my testimony, I  am now free of my previous sinful life and am daily glorifying our Creator in His judgments, justice, mercy and grace that He has bestowed upon my life. In seeking to restore my relationship with Him, it brought me to ongoing prayer. I asked for truth and to be taken out of any sin in my life. I began this prayer around 2010. In 2013 my world (sinful world) collapsed and spun chaotically out of control. Not in pieces or layers, but in complete destruction and judgment.  I was hanging by a thread at the edge of the universe. I wasn't sure how long I could hold on. Finally, one day I threw up my hands in complete brokenness and gave EVERYTHING over to our Heavenly Father. I cried and cried until there were no more tears. I had lost everything and everyone in my life. Long story shortened, I was faced with the sins being utterly washed away and me being cleansed and removed from the life I, ignorantly,  thought was ok. My fourth marriage, my observance of pagan holidays, my adulterous acts ( that I thought was my only real sin), my language and my overall view of how and what I did in my life.I can say that I was literally brought to my knees in repentance and humbled before our Heavenly Father. I was renewed in my spirit and my faith was brought to understanding. I began having truth revealed to me in odd and miraculous ways and out of the clear blue. Well, without the details of my journey, ( I would love to tell the details)  here I am today !   I am not sure where I am in the "multitude" or if I waited too long. My Mom said something to me two weeks before her passing. She hadn't spoken for some time and one day she turned to face me and said " I did it all wrong".  It haunts me to this day. I can only speculate what she meant and to what depth it regarded. I know she was a believer in Yeshua and taught all of us to live by the "golden rule". (Ten Commandments). But, because of my life of sin, I can only question where she was in her life with Messiah in eternity. All I know, I am free  of the bondage I never realized I was under. I am living a changed and wonderful life of study in the Word and delving into the Creators calendar (working on it for more than a year) to observe His Sabbaths and  appointed times. This is how I found your teachings. Thank you, my Brother.
R: Bless you on your journey, it's sounds like the Mathew 5 walk, Blessed are those who.....
The Call has gone out, "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind" the Luk 14 broken ones.
Thanks for sharing, I can completely relate to the Job experiences.
C: Praise GOD for truth!
I was saved as a child and baptized at 14 but, just like Israel, was very fickle in my faith. About 2 years ago I recommitted and slowly grew closer to Jesus again. In his Great mercy and to fulfil His purpose for me, he prompted me to study the origins of christmas (through my backslidden confused but awake husband who asked why I refused to do yoga yet celebrated pagan xmas). So As I read or listened about xmas it led to false religions, then false teachers and prophets in the church institution . . I heard repeatedly in the spirit come out of her*! Having not read the entire bible, I looked up these words and got *Rev 18:4 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. From This, I deduced that false religion, teachers and prophets were mystery Babylon. Later, I read a couple of commentaries which confirmed this.. I was so happy because the holy Spirit was indeed my teacher!!
Father blessed me with a very old song from my childhood "as the deer pants for the water" as I fell asleep one afternoon.
Then about 6 months Later, after learning about spiritual adultery, obeying His commands (including idolatry and housecleaning), being holy, and being a spotless wrinkle-free bride .. I realised FATHER was calling me out of the church institution. My pastor at the time (& sadly mother, brother, friends - all strong christians) justified xmas when I shared these truths with them. most every church celebrates xmas..so where can I attend? No where. I thought I was to go into the hebraic roots movement but have not been led in this direction.
He directed my online footsteps, sometimes without my realizing it! Until 1 evening I was led to a deliverance ministry and received a personal word. As you said brother, many of us are in our 40s and 50s and have much defilement that needs to be dealt with. I'm in my mid 40s and defiled myself with and In the world over the years. In the word, FATHER said I needed cleansing and refining to prepare myself for kingdom work in the end times. I am making myself ready:) (the word blew.me.away!!). I worked my way through a 300 page deliverance manual! (Everyone's deliverance/cleansing seems to be different.)
A couple of weeks a ago, I got an anniversary confirmation when I read 1 kings 12 - king Jeroboam created his own manmade feast and appointed a set date for annual celebrations for Israel (for the 10 tribes - the other 2 tribes and the remnant were under king Rehoboam) to prevent Israel from returning to God.
Praise God that the remnant are awake to manmade traditions and doctrines of devils & are separating themselves! We must stay in prayer for our sleeping brothers and sisters in Christ.. that they too be fully restored.
R: Amen, bless you. That's an awesome testimony.
I'll give you another one, Birthdays! This also is a pagan practice designed to connect you with the stars and a sign. The only birthdays in Scripture are Pharaoh and Herod. The disciples didn't know how old Jesus was! He was "about" such and such an age. That's why Christmas is an abominable practice. We should celebrate when we came to Christ, not worship ourselves with birthdays.
C: Leeland Jones Yes I've heard about birthdays too..I think I am in denial as we celebrate our childrens birthdays and it's really special! My family go out to celebrate each birthday.. family tradition. I will research this together with my son's.. thank you. Ironically, we are celebrating my and twin brother's bdy tomorrow night eek! God bless you
R: Don't do it!
Jer 44:19 And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her Cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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