Creative Meditation - Push Painting

3 years ago

Being creative has always been a way for me to connect with myself, to be able to ignore all the stress and crazy going on in my life, to find joy. And I recently discovered a way of painting that gets my mind off all the chaos.

I call it Push Painting.

It is incredibly simple, all you need is a few paint colors, 1 brush, and something to paint on. I never have a canvas, or thick enough paper, so I use cardboard. I always have old boxes around from deliveries, so all I do is cut off one of the sides, or all of them, and use that as my canvas. It is cheap and easy. Plus, who hasn't used cardboard boxes as a kid to create something new?

The best thing about painting this way? You don't need water. All you do is take your brush, dip it in a paint, "push" the paint onto whatever "canvas" you are using. Next, get another paint WITHOUT cleaning it. This way it give you a beautiful marbling effect and blending of colors. Repeat the process until your entire surface is covered.

If you feel joy when surrounded by flowers, or nature, you can try to create flowers or trees or foliage. If you feel joy around water or the beach, use blues for the ocean and yellow, orange, brown for the sand. It is not about creating a realistic picture, it is about bringing yourself joy and focusing your mind and energy on the positive. All colors have meanings so look into their meanings if you are trying to express a certain feelings or deal with certain emotions you experiencing.

To get the most out of your experience, put some soothing music on, or light a candle. This process is about focusing on the methodical rhythm of pushing the paint onto your surface and keep your mind on creating something new.

Once you have filled your space save the left over paint or continue to paint until you have no paint left. Once your painting is done, put it up somewhere you can see it regularly so the relaxation you felt while creating it can come back to you.

I hope this helps you quiet your mind and get your energy focused on the positive.

Please reach out to be if you want to retrain your thinking and eliminate your self-limiting beliefs. I want to help you reach your dreams and live the life you are meant to live. Send me an email at

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