A New Creation: True Life Testimonies - Pastor Travis Carey

3 years ago

#testimony #christiantestimony #calvarychapel #bangormaine #drugaddiction #jail #deception #graceofgod #jesus

Pastor Travis Carey shares his story of God’s amazing Grace in his life. Travis was a drug addict who seemed to have no hope in life after years of destruction, drugs, lying, cheating, thievery, and jail time.

But God used an amazing man of God in his life, Pastor Ken Graves to extend the same grace to him that our Heavenly Father has given us all. Pastor Ken saw a broken young man who was ruining his life and decided to visit Travis in jail, giving him another chance to return to God and to live the life God intended for him. Travis is now a pastor in Maine, happily married to a beautiful wife, and has two beautiful children.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. -2 Corinthians 5:17

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