Ted Cruz, GOP Senators report from Mexican border - March 26, 2021

3 years ago

For most Americans (whether they realize it yet or not), there is a real #BorderCrisis on the U.S.-Mexico border. But for the Democrat Party, it isn't a crisis at all, it's part of their overall plan — to flood the labor market with cheap labor and to gain voters by promising them free healthcare, free school, free college, free childcare, free food, free housing — and soon, a UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME — to make them dependent on government so that this next generation of #Dreamers will keep the Marxist Democrats in perpetual power. It's an evil plan. As Candice Owens noted last night on Fox News, the racist Democrats (the original slave owners) have used this ploy with America's Black population for over a century. The current flood of undocumented immigrants will destroy the job market for LEGAL American-Latinos and African-Americans. Under Trump, the job market had greatly improve (before the pandemic crippled the world economy). But as the virus recedes (thanks to Trump's "Operation Warp Speed"), and as the economy springs back, the U.S. labor market will be saturated with cheap labor, making it very difficult for millions of unemployed Americans to find jobs. Young people could take to the streets in ever-growing numbers, and anti-American groups like AntiFa and Black Lives Matter could grow and put the United States in great peril. Senator #TedCruz live in Texas. He knows the border. And he knows what's happening. He reports from the Rio Grande River in Texas. Bido must go!

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