Somalia National Anthem (Instrumental) Qolobaa Calankeed

3 years ago

Qolobaa Calankeed (Arabic: علم أي امة‎; "Any Nation's Flag") is the national anthem of Somalia. The music was written and sung by Abdullahi Qarshe. It was adopted on 1 August 2012.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Every nation has its own flag.
Ours is like the sky without any signs of clouds
All of which we have come to love.

Oh you White Star, at your service we are
Superior you are, in any part of our land
Be famous oh Star, like the sun.

Somali National Anthem / Inno Nazionale della Somalia / Heesta Calanka Soomaaliya / Hymn Somalii / Himno Nacional de Somalia / Somalische Hymne / Nationalhymne Somalia / l'Hymne National de la Somalie / Hino da Somalia / Гимн Сомали / Volkslied van Somalië / Himna Somalije / Somali Milli Marşı / Somálská Hymna / Szomáliai Himnusz / Hymne Somalien / Inno Nazionale Somalo / Himno Somali / Somalisch Volkslied

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