Is Pope Francis Guilty? March 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Is Pope Francis Guilty? March 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The first question must be, guilty of what?
Obviously, anyone who becomes Pope has plenty of skeletons in his closet, if only to assure his loyalty to the thugs of Rome.
The darker the secrets, the better, from the perspective of the Roman Hierarchy.
Pope Benedict XVI, who admitted the Great Fraud and wished to correct it, was promptly removed; and the punishment didn't stop with the loss of his office.
There were several exposes in the Italian Press disclosing his sexual orientation and other gossipy issues, and, as always, threats against his life.
We forget, and we should not forget, that Italy was a home to Fascism. We should not overlook the fact that the Italian Government was up to its ears in the recent "US" election scandals.
As for Pope Francis, he circled the wagons and plumped up the coffers, which we can hardly blame him for as the Chief Executive of the Church Temporal, and he cut loose the Bar Association Privateers to sink or swim on their own --- another wise business move on his part.
There remain two (2) very serious and very public issues with Francis.
The first is his continuing promotion of "war" between the two governmental corporations on our shores, the US, INC. and the USA, Inc., that he ultimately owns and controls.
Now, obviously, other Popes have promoted this same Cash Cow for sixteen decades and it has proven extraordinarily profitable, so from that perspective he has little reason to Cease and Desist the harvesting of American lives and American assets.
The bad Public Relations and bad advertising for the Church, he no doubt figures he can sidestep and overcome with the help of all the major media corporations he also owns.
So despite the downsides, he and his henchmen have decided to try to brazen it out and pretend that they have nothing to do with the destruction of America, and the pillaging and plundering that has gone on here, and the criminal mis-administration of the Federal Subcontractors involved.
He can try.
Speaking from my own direct experience, it doesn't take very long to figure out which way the water flows in this world, because it always flows downhill and straight into a giant sluice drain in Rome.
So I don't personally give him much chance of escaping the consequences of that reality.
The responsibility for the mismanagement of the "federal" government, and culpability for any violence that erupts here, is also squarely on his shoulders first and foremost, although some of that burden is shared by the Queen.

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