Deconstruction of the Great Fraud for The International Court of Justice: 3/26/21 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Deconstruction of the Great Fraud for The International Court of Justice: March 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

After the so-called American Civil War hostilities stopped in April of 1865, our two Federal Subcontractors, one British, one Holy Roman Empire affiliate, incorporated their organizations as commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services.
They continued their commercial mercenary "war" against each other on our soil, without our knowledge. The colluding Principals used this mercenary conflict between our Employees, their own Instrumentalities, as the excuse to establish an international military protectorate on our soil---- in contravention of the controlling Treaties, and later employed a double-ended impersonation scheme to embroil completely innocent and clueless Americans in this perpetual war-for-profit con game.
They claimed that we were "absent", "missing", in "interregnum" --- none of which was true, and which still is not true. It is not possible for a government composed of living people and Lawful Persons to disappear. They also held private corporate elections which appeared to be public elections, and on the basis of this fraud, claimed to represent us, the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America and our Federal Republic.
This military occupation by our own paid military forces has lasted for 158 years, all without the General Public of this country being informed or assisted to address the situation.
The British Territorial Subcontractor set up "State of State" franchises for itself and usurped our lawful government by secretively substituting these entities for our American States and our American State of State business organizations.
All that the General Public might have noticed was a change from "The State of New York" to "the State of New York".
These con artists also pretended to be "The United States of America"---Incorporated. And they claimed, without any granted authority, to have the power to create other corporations "in our names" (Corporations Act of 1870) and to have "Emergency Powers" never granted to them.
By 1907 all the corporations that they created "in our names" were bankrupt and we were "presumed" to be responsible for their debts.
The deliberately confused and deluded American Public mistook these con artists for their own lawful government, due to the similar names deceits, and accepted the charges.
Under Municipal Law, otherwise known as Roman Civil Law, these Municipal Corporations are allowed to cheat and deceive people, so long as they don't know that they have been cheated and deceived.

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