Overview for Those Who Need It March 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Overview for Those Who Need It March 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Be patient. Be strong. Keep walking forward.
I've explained the situation --- (1) what the Plotters originally intended (corner the gold market during a fiat debt-credit legal tender system, then sell the gold back at a huge profit margin resulting from inflation and devaluation of the fiat money) and (2) what has subsequently happened (demand for viable currency and crimes including counterfeiting and securitization of living flesh have increased to the point that a gold or silver-based commodity currency would require gold prices to be set at ridiculously high rates --- in excess of $100,000.00 per ounce, and nobody in their right mind would believe that.)
So here we sit. The Numbnutz in charge are so lacking in vision and creativity that their solutions involve catastrophic disruption, killing their creditors, enslaving the world population to serve as collateral for their debts, and more fraud.
They just don't get it. Fraud vitiates everything.
It vitiates treaties. It vitiates international law. It vitiates handshakes.
And no, you can't give someone something that doesn't belong to you in payment of your debts.
That is known as embezzlement and theft.
These are things that are so simple, and yet, full grown men and women who have spent their lives in responsible positions in the military, in government, in international diplomacy---- doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs ---- don't get it.
This is largely a bookkeeping boondoggle of epic proportions, caused in part by the decision of the U.S. Government to adopt a new bookkeeping system known as "double accrual accounting" after the Second World War. This is more popularly known as "keeping two sets of books"-- and it allowed the appearance of insurmountable debts on one side of the ledger, while hiding even more unimaginable credits (Slush Funds) on the other.
So it's a crisis on paper, and all that really needs to be resolved is: (1) a degree of amnesty; (2) balancing the books; and (3) who controls things going forward--and, no, it should not be the same people who created the Mess in the first place.
I have suggested a moderate and common sense approach that: (1) holds harmless the vast majority of those who implemented and ran this system in ignorance; (2) restoration of our complete traditional government; (3) creation of an honest world currency in addition to national currencies; (4) returns power -- and responsibility -- to the people of each country; (5)

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/03/overview-for-those-who-need-it.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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