Housekeeping With Grandma March 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Housekeeping With Grandma March 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This week, I have had people accusing me of "stealing" my own work, because unscrupulous con artists published my work as theirs. They simply plagiarized entire books, claimed author-ship, and the resulting controversy wasn't settled until I totally lost my temper and asked, "Who in this group (the offenders) has the knowledge and ability to write something like this?"

Dead silence. The Truth and the writing style and everything else was suddenly apparent and we were able to determine who wrote what and who didn't write anything at all---- just "misappropriated" someone else's work and claimed it was their group's publication.

This kind of skullduggery is unfortunately all too common.

To repeat--- my policy is to allow reposting and republication for educational purposes so long as the content is not altered and the source is fully credited.

Just this morning I gave such permission to someone who is publishing a compendium of information for home school families, so it isn't hard to obtain so long as you: (1) don't alter the material, and (2) credit the source.

This cuts me out of a lot of income from royalties and publication permission deals, but it gets the word out, and will hopefully save both American property and American lives which is the whole point.

While we are on this topic --- let me point out that there are reasons why people should abide by this simple set of copyright rules.

First, I am responsible for what I say. I know the sources and the validity of the records on which I stand. People who copycat and plagiarize do not. They won't be able to defend the things I have written and will get themselves in trouble if a court or other authority questions them and they claim authorship --- so it isn't only a matter of "credit" for me --- it's a matter of protection for you, to accurately present what I have written and attribute it to me.

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