Principality of Serbia Anthem (1815–1882; Instrumental) Vostani Serbije

3 years ago

The Principality of Serbia (Кнежевина Србија / Kneževina Srbija) was a semi-independent state in the Balkans that came into existence as a result of the Serbian Revolution, which lasted between 1804 and 1817. Its creation was negotiated first through an unwritten agreement between Miloš Obrenović, leader of the Second Serbian Uprising and Ottoman official Marashli Pasha. Its de facto independence ensued in 1867, following the expulsion of all Ottoman troops from the country; Internationall independence was recognized in 1878. In 1882 the country was elevated to the status of kingdom.

Vostani Serbije ("Arise, Serbia"; Serbian Cyrillic: Востани Сербије), also known as Pesna na insurekciju Serbijanov ("A poem on the insurrection of the Serbs"; Песна на инсурекцију Сербијанов), is a Serbian patriotic song, originally a poem written by Dositej Obradović, published in Vienna in 1804, "dedicated to Serbia and her brave warriors and sons and to their leader Georgije Petrović" at the beginning of the First Serbian Uprising that transformed into the Serbian Revolution against the Ottoman Empire.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Arise, Serbia! Arise, empress!
and let your children see your face.
Make them turn their hearts and eyes on you,
and let them hear your sweet voice.

Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!

Serbian Anthem / Химна Кнежевине Србије / Himna Kneževine Srbije / Serbische Hymne / Гимн Сербии / Hino Sérvio / Hymne von Serbien / Himno Serbio / Hymne Serbe / Sırp Marşı / Servisch Volkslied / Hymn Serbii / Inno Serbo / Химна Књажевине Србије

Principality of Serbia / Principauté de Serbie / Княжество Сербия / Fürstentum Serbien / Principado de Serbia / Principado da Sérvia / Księstwo Serbii / Principato di Serbia / Sırbistan Prensliği / Vorstendom Servië

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