Border Crisis Just the Beginning of Destruction of U.S., 3561

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
You’ll notice that this is the first time I’ve done a report on what Jumpin Joe has done to President Trump’s carefully crafted southern border policy.
In stark contrast to President Trump’s completely transparent border policy, Biden has tried his best to cover up the results of his changes.

Sen. Ted Cruz, and 18 other GOP Senators went down to investigate the situation yesterday because there was no other way to get reliable information past the Biden censorship policies.

Cruz appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s show this morning. She had sent a film crew along with the Senators, but they were turned away. Unbelievably, even the senators were blocked from trying to take video with their own cell phones. This type of blocking of in-person investigations by United States Senators has never occurred before in American history.

Senator Cruz, however, was undeterred, and insisted on filming any way, despite a Biden handler who incredibly, kept trying to block his camera’s view of the scene of packed immigrants in unhealthy conditions.


Normally, I wouldn’t use so much of one of Maria’s segments, but this one is so vital for the American people to understand the danger of that I have to risk a copyright strike in order to replay just the most important parts.
As Maria pointed out, under President Trump, illegals were sent back home.


Well, Sen. Cruz, I suspect it’s a bit more sinister than just a political mistake. I believe this as about the Biden family’s nefarious connection with a certain nation which is in essence at war with the United States right now, and wishes to hide that fact for as long as possible.

Maria saw the hole in this theory and shot back:


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