Secret Societies Part 1 of 2

3 years ago

The Truth As We The People See It
Secret Societies Part 1 of 2
Fall of the Cabal Part 2 15 mins

The Puppet Masters to the Elite, Government, Media, Entertainment Industry, Big Pharm, Big Tech, & the World.

Dr. Shiva on X22 Report
start @ 1:15min – 17:33 16 mins
Illuminati member, Rothschild, is believed to have exploited the airliner to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip. The US technological company, Freescale Semiconductor, who shared its rights with Rothschild, had twenty senior members on board who had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar system’s the day before the plane went missing.

The Semiconductor Company develops microprocessors, sensors, and other technology including stand-alone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions. Now think about this… what have scientists been trying to tell us about the covid vaccines? They include microchips that go to the brain & can be used for mind control. Why??? Indentured servants/slaves to the Elite money machine.

Fall of the Cabal Part 3 16 mins
BLM- George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push. George Soros donated $33 million to fund antifa rioting Ferguson protest groups. Investor and philanthropist George Soros has moved $18 billion to his foundation -- the majority of his estimated $24.6 billion fortune. The Open Society Foundations, which seeks to promote democracy around the globe.

*I always try giving credit where it’s due. I also like sharing their messages, directly from their mouths so that I do not misinterpret their messages. I encourage all to do your own research & come to your own conclusions. Do Not just take my word for it. I share this information with you as it has been represented to me. It is my hope that what they/I are sharing are facts, if they are not I apologize in advance. I can be contacted at I am only human & it’s possible I made mistakes. Hang in there with me! God Bless You All, K

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