Toronto Marina claims they own the water | Cops called on us!

3 years ago


Here's the video we were trying to shoot when this all happened:

1 - Letter from MNRF confirming our rights and claims

The MNRF finally replied to me today with their findings. A copy of their letter is attached. I replied to them to inquire as to whether or not they will be filing charges against Bluffers Park Marina based on their findings, and their obligation to enforce Section 13 of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, as per my initial request. However, it seems that Bluffers Park Marina have a 'Get out of jail free card', neither the Toronto Police or the MNRF will be pressing charges against the marina, nor will they even receive a formal written warning. This infuriates me as both agencies are aware of the fact that Bluffers Park Marina have been unlawfully harassing, intimidating and threatening anglers for over two decades. As a result I will now be pursuing this matter in civil court, once I secure legal representation, any referrals or suggestions as to a law firm who may be interested in taking on this case would be appreciated.

Link to letter:


2 - Letter from Toronto Police confirming our rights and claims

Please see the letter which I received from Toronto Police Services this morning. I wanted to share their findings with you all ASAP. They have confirmed that we are in fact legally allowed to fish in Bluffers Park as I have always stated. This is providing that we stay within the parameters and guidelines they have outlined in the their e-mail, which we have always done.

Link to letter:

I have posted this quick and rough edit to create some awareness for all of the anglers out there who may have ran into a similar situation over the years. In the hopes of educating people as to their rights, and preventing this from happening to anyone else.
To see how this 'public' park area is laid out, you can take a look at the drone footage at the beginning of the video that we were trying to shoot the day when this all happened:

This could happen to you, at any time, on any body of water in Canada. Please do not let arrogant bullies intimidate you with false claims and fabricated laws. Do your research as I did, know the laws and respectfully stand your ground. If we do not, they win.

This incident happened at Bluffers Park Marina on Lake Ontario,
on October 10th, 2018. While my friend and I simply attempted
to fish, relax and enjoy an unseasonably warm October day on the water doing what we love. We were not bothering anyone, nor were we obstructing anyone or causing any damage to peoples property.

Bluffers Park Marina have been pulling this crap with numerous anglers and myself for over 20 years. They are clearly violating section 13 of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, and nobody, including the Police or the MNRF says a word to them.

Just to clarify, we catch lots of Pike in this area (Catch & release only), and have been doing so for over two decades, it is one of my most productive spots for Pike fishing in the city, along with numerous other bays and marinas that we fish in and around the Toronto and Pickering area. The water inside the park area is generally very clear and has lush weed beds which hold a lot of fish. Yes the lake is vast, but it is also very deep, the Pike relate to the weed beds located in the bays and marinas scattered around the lake, they do not live out in the deep open water. I will also clarify that the Bluffers Park Marina leases the land it sits on from the City of Toronto, it does not own any land. It is situated inside Bluffers Park, which is a public park area and public waterway. The park was built using rocks and landfill from construction sites throughout the city, this new land was claimed from the open waters of Lake Ontario. There are actually 4 marinas inside Bluffers Park, 3 on the island (See aerial shot in the video link below) and Bluffers Park Marina can be seen located at the far west end of Bluffers Park. Approximately 75% of the land surrounding the public waterway in the park area is public access park land, owned and maintained by the City of Toronto, with washrooms, trails, parking and public beaches etc. I would also like to point out that Bluffers Park Marina is the only one of the four marinas that sends its staff out to harass anglers, which is ironic because it is the least desirable of the four marinas, with a lot of live-aboard residents.

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