What's On Your Plate?

3 years ago

We have way too much on our plate. Busy, Busy, Busy People! The backlash of people who are so busy is that they are physically and mentally exhausted and other people bear the consequential brunt of this, it leaves people in our lives who feel ignored, shunned, cancelled, not worthy, dehumanized, invisible, devalued, not good enough for someone to say hello to them, to even acknowledge them. You see someone and they see you and they walk right past you like they didn’t see you, because they don’t have time to stop and acknowledge you. That rejection hurts. Sadly so, we do this to each other, I know I have been there and done that, been so busy, so distracted, that I am not even present with those I am present with. We don’t answer texts, or phone calls, we can be in a room with people and not even acknowledge them because our minds are so full. Self-interests, causes and pursuits leave us without time to make other people feel valued. We need to change this up, become people with less on our plate and love others better, add value to others, help them be visible, help them to matter. When we have a full life plate, we need to learn to say no more, be less busy, be more alert to the needs of those around us. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/attractive-anointing/

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