Angel Mom Sabine Durden-Coulter Unleashes a HEARTFELT Message LIVE from the Mexico/USA Border

3 years ago

Angel Mom Sabine Durden-Coulter Unleashes a HEARTFELT Message LIVE from the Mexico/USA Border... Make sure to Share this and EXPOSE The TRUTH on what is really going on at the Border.

Plus Join Sabine along with '3' Other Angel Families and Tom Homan the Former Director of ICE at an Exclusive Event for *REAL AMERICANS* who are Willing to Take a Stand!!

They will be Featured Speakers at the **WE THE PEOPLE FIGHT BACK EVENT** in Naples, Florida...

See all the Details Here...

We just exceeded 50% Sold Out today! The Left wants us to be SILENT and IGNORE the WORST CRISIS in America's History BUT WE THE PEOPLE FIGHT BACK EVENT! Be Here with 200 Other Champion Like Minded Patriots

We exceeded 57% Sold Out today! As you know, more than ever, we must EXPOSE the EVIL Truth about the liberal left! Imagine being in a room with 200 PATRIOTS and NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard "Bernie" Kerik along Former ICE Director Tom Homan! Feel free to Share with your fellow Patriots 🔽
Call/Text (561) 847-3467 or Email
and say "Event" to learn more about the EVENT and how to secure your Ticket NOW!
See all the Details Here...

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